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For more information about the PLA or Pattagansett Lake

The Pattagansett Lake Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  Our purpose is to foster, promote, and make management recommendations for:

  1.  Watershed management techniques to improve the eutrophic condition of the lake, maintain desired water quality, and control the overgrowth of aquatic vegetation.
  2. Proper recreational uses of the lake.
  3. Maintaining desired lake ecology and wildlife habitats.

All persons interested in promoting the mission and purposes of the Association are eligible for membership, regardless of their residence.

Upon paying the $25 dues one becomes a voting member and is entitled to one vote at general membership meetings.  This includes voting to approve or appoint the four officers and other members of the Governing Board and on any issues brought up for a vote by the general membership.

The purpose of our treasury is to pay for all expenses approved by the Governing Board for the furtherance of the Associationā€™s purposes that are noted above.  Such expenses may include routine administrative expenses incurred by any organization, dues or fees payable to larger allied organizations (example: Connecticut Federation of Lakes), or towards projects approved by the Association that benefit all lake users (examples: hydroraking or herbicide use to control noxious aquatic vegetation).


  1. Properly maintaining home septic and stormwater systems
  2. Not littering or dumping toxic substances into the environment
  3. Not misusing any chemical products and eliminating or reducing pesticide use
  4. Limiting lawn fertilizer use and any fertilizer run-off
  5. Using organic, slow-release fertilizers and keeping grass clippings on your lawn
  6. Using native plants, creating or maintaining a vegetated buffer near the lakeshore or alongside other waterways
  7. Not raking leaves or depositing other organic materials into the lake or other waterways
  8. Eliminating soil erosion by using proper controls and practices
  9. Cleaning up and properly disposing any pet wastes
  10. Not improperly feeding wildlife, particularly those on or near waterways
What's at the end of the rainbow? Pattagansett Lake, of course! šŸ˜ Get ready for spring and summer by checking out our updated website. You can find all the latest news, including past PLA Board meeting minutes, member updates from our President, and more. Additionally, you can find contact information for all our Board Members, as well as information on how to join Pattagansett Lake See MoreSee Less
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7 months ago

Pattagansett Lake Association
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